Dewatering and Waste Storage
One of the biggest problems in landfills is that the contents of the waste are watery and difficult to transport from one place to another for storage. Classical methods are not very economical in terms of total costs, due to the lack of sufficient space fort he settling ponds and the additional costs of transporting the wastes to these areas. The wastes are easily dewatered and become practically portable with geosynthetic tube materilas which have an important place in the geosynthetic product range. The scope can be saved and more waste can be stored as they can be conveniently stored in the disposal area.

- Waste with high liquid content can be transported quickly
- More waste can be stored as proper stacking can be done in disposal areas
- More environmentally friendly solution is developed with geosynthetic pipe materials
- Fast and economical disposed of waste
Dewatering and waste storage
Use of geosynthetic tubes for waste dewatering